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About Us






DEAF SUPPORT is a voluntary organisation based in Bedfordshire that aims to encourage deaf and hearing people to understand each other.  It was set up in 1997 by Sandra Dowe, a retired teacher of the Deaf who had Deaf grandparents, assisted by a group of deaf and hearing volunteers and has the aims and objectives to:
  • Help deaf and hearing people understand each other and spread deaf awareness
  • Encourage and assist deaf people to teach BSL at all levels and develop resources for delivering courses
  • Assist deaf job-seekers to gain equal opportunity to follow the occupation of their choice
  • Enable deaf and hearing people to mix together in local schools, colleges, universities, clubs and  in any other establishment in the locality
  • Assist deaf students of all ages to obtain communication support to suit their requirements
  • Put interpreters/communicators and deaf students in touch with each other
Currently the organisation promotes the use of BSL in classes and assists with the provision of Communicators for deaf people of all ages in Bedfordshire, Luton, Buckinghamshire and the home counties.

Sandra Dowe
Sandra Dowe

Deaf Support at Milton Keynes
Members of Deaf Support at Milton Keynes Signing Club on 20.06.12
